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Cancer Prevention: Learn How To Be Proactive

Being Proactive Is Key To Cancer Prevention

Half of all men and one third of all women will develop cancer at some point in their lives. That’s pretty staggering. And research shows that the odds increase significantly after turning 50. In fact, half of all cancers are diagnosed in people 65 and older.

But… here’s the kicker… in most cases, the problem was set in motion much earlier. So, let’s look at the relationship between age and cancer. Then I’ll give you some proven strategies, no matter what your current age, that will support you to maintain a body that’s in good health.

As Time Marches On…

One of the reasons why age is a factor in cancer is that the older you are, the longer you’ve been exposed to carcinogens. Carcinogens are basically cancer-causing substances.

On top of that, the older you are, the more cell damage you have accumulated. As you get older, more of your cells can enter a state called ‘senescence’. This is where the normal cell cycle of dividing and producing new healthy cells actually stops. And this affects not just one cell that’s gone into that stage; it affects others as well. Once a cell begins this process, it encourages other cells to enter senescence. When you’re healthy, your immune system makes senescence cells self-destruct. But if you live an unhealthy lifestyle, as you get older these senescence cells start to stick around and build up in your tissues. When they sit in your tissues, they trigger inflammation, which ultimately leads to diseases like cancer.

Support Your Natural Killer Cells

Supporting your natural killer cells is the key to avoiding the problem of cell senescence. Your killer cells, that stop senescence getting out of control, are part of your immune system. Whatever your age, support your cells by getting regular exercise, by eating probiotic foods, and by taking a probiotic supplement. Even certain simple ingredients like black pepper and cardamom will support your natural killer cells.

Reduce Inflammation Through Your Diet

Inflammation is at the root of most chronic diseases, including most forms of cancer. There are certain lifestyle factors that cause your body to be continuously inflamed. For most people, it’s primarily diet. Related to that is toxic exposure which, in many cases, again comes back to diet. Unhealthy food contains so many toxins. Then comes inactivity as a big cause of inflammation.

How long you live and the quality of your years both depend, to a large extent, upon keeping your inflammation down and supporting the health of your mitochondria, which are the structures in your cells that produce energy. You can support your mitochondria through proper nutrition, as well as getting vigorous exercise and making healthy overall lifestyle choices.

Anti-Inflammatory Diet

To keep inflammation down over the years, and thus to support your mitochondria and your cells, eat a diet that is organic, rich in healthy fats, and includes lots of vegetables. As for protein, a moderate amount is all you need. Keep things low in carbohydrates, which means avoiding refined sugar and grains.

This diet strategy is sometimes called a ketogenic diet. The goal is for your body to burn fat as its primary fuel, instead of sugar. This is really the best diet strategy for cancer prevention. It increases the number of energy-producing mitochondria in your cells, which will improve your energy level and mental clarity. Supporting your mitochondria through such a diet can help you heal from chronic disease. If you’re already pretty healthy, supporting your mitochondria with a ketogenic diet will help you stay that way.

Detoxification is also a key to avoiding cancer. Eat foods that support your body’s natural detoxification pathways, or follow specific detoxification protocols with high quality dietary supplements. This will help your body get rid of cancer-causing compounds, including heavy metals and phthalates – chemicals used in a lot of consumer products – that get lodged in our bodies and cause problems.

Antioxidant Awesomeness

The diet above is high in antioxidants, which will help to reduce one of the key drivers of cancer: DNA mutations. So get plenty of antioxidants through your food – mainly from vegetables along with some low glycemic fruits.

Fill in the gaps with a high quality dietary supplement that contains antioxidants.

Steps To Preventing Cancer Later In Life

Remember, most cancers show up after the age of 50. To have the best chance of avoiding cancer, make the right lifestyle choices as early in life as possible. The key things to focus on are:

  • Eliminate refined sugar from your diet.
  • Eliminate, or severely restrict, the amount of grains you eat you.
  • Eat a diet high in healthy fat along with plenty of vegetables and a moderate amount of protein.
  • Eat a small amount of low glycemic fruit, such as berries.
  • Drink filtered water. Get the best filter you can afford. Many chemicals are in both tap water and bottled water.
  • Exercise several times per week. This will help you to reduce your cancer risk by increasing antioxidant activity, balancing hormones, and strengthening your immune system. Exercise also reduces inflammation and helps you to get rid of any extra fat that you don’t need to carry.

The simple truth is this… Cancer has less to do with age and more to do with how well you maintain your body. So, regardless of your age, use this information to take control of your health. That way you can really enjoy the fruits of a healthy lifestyle.

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